What are the benefits of wearing a dhoti

The word "dhoti" is derived from the Sanskrit word "dhauta."
Unique qualities of wearing dhotī
1. A dhotī is worn at the navel hence offers its complete defense against attacks from negative energy
A dhotī is worn at the navel. A layer of the dhotī pleats is formed over the navel. As a result, the navel is completely protected from the attacks of negative energies. When the navel is exposed, negative energies find it very easy to attack it and through it, transmit distressing energy all over the body. This can harm all the organs in the abdomen.
2. Pleats of the dhotī give an uninterrupted supply of Chaitanya to the surrounding region, due to which the distressing energy there gets destroyed
Wearing the dhotī around the navel forms five or more layers of pleats, one over the other. This retains the inherent Chaitanya in the dhotī. Hence, the individual that wears a dhotī gets the benefit of ths Chaitanya the entire day. Due to the layer of pleats that are tucked behind at the waist level, Chaitanya is supplied uninterruptedly to the region below the waist, and the distressing energy there gets destroyed.
3. Imparting Chaitanya to Muladhar-chakra
More layers of pleats,one over the other inherent Chaitanya. Uts many folds fall on the legs of the Jiva.Chaitanya is provided to the Muladhar-chakra. As a result the centre of desire in the Muladhar-chakra is weakened. When such a Jiva undertakes Sadhana, his spiritual progress is fast.A spiral is created around the body. As a result, the Jiva is constantly protected.
You can buy the Dhoti from our store www.damakdam.com